Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy, Critical Care and Rehabilitation
Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy, Critical Care and Rehabilitation


Volume 1, 2021

1, 2021


Original Research
Acute effects of breathing exercises on diaphragmatic mobility and respiratory muscles activity in healthy adults Maryne Ramos da Silva; Catherine Correa Peruzzolo; Jéssica Canizelli; Dayane Montemezzo; Elaine Paulin
In-hospital mobilization after cardiac surgery: investigation of a dose-effect of once- and twice-daily exercise on cardiac autonomic modulation Renata Gonçalves Mendes; Camila Bianca Falasco Pantoni; Rodrigo Polaquini Simões; Luciana Ditomaso-Luporini; Flávia Cristina Rossi Caruso Bonjorno; Erika Zavaglia Kabbach; Audrey Borghi-Silva
Does the COPD assessment test associate to skeletal muscle dysfunction in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Tamires Daros dos Santos; Adriane Schmidt Pasqualoto; Felipe Fagundes Pereira; Everton Ludke; Aron Ferreira da Silveira; Isabella Martins de Albuquerque
A cross-sectional study to assess an association between upper extremity function and functional walking capacity in chronic stroke survivors Ameerani Jarbandhan; Jerry Toelsie; Robbert Bipat; Jeannine Freedrik; Luc Vanhees; Roselien Buys; DirkJan H.E.J. Veeger
Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Adapted Index of Self-efficacy (PRAISE) scale for Brazilian patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" Simone Graciosa Gavenda, Manuela Karloh, Hellen Fontão Alexandre, Thiago Sousa Matias, Anamaria Fleig Mayer
Analysis of heart rate variability and accelerometry in patients following surgery for the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer Maria Cláudia Valente Almeida, Débora Carolina Santos do Nascimento, Laura Maria Tomazi Neves, Juliana Fernandes Dias, Anselmo de Athayde Costa e Silva, Luana Estumano Longhi Bastos, Saul Rassy Carneiro
Characterization of patients with COVID-19-related ARDS before the prone position: prospective cohort study Giovani Bernardo Costa; Higor Apolinario Melquiades; Erich Vidal Carvalho; Edimar Pedrosa Gomes; Maycon Moura Reboredo; Bruno Valle Pinheiro
Can diaphragmatic mobility be measured by chest wall volumes? Tarcila Dal Pont, Jéssica Canizelli Gonçalez, Carolina Luana Mello, Davi de Souza Francisco, Catherine Corrêa Peruzzolo, Dayane Montemezzo, Danielle Soares Rocha Vieira, Elaine Paulin

Systematic Review

Short Communication
Multi-level barriers faced and lessons learned to conduct a randomized controlled trial in patients with diabetes and prediabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil Lilian Pinto da Silva; Mariana Balbi Seixas; Ana Paula Delgado Bomtempo Batalha; Isabela Coelho Ponciano; Paul Oh; Gabriela Lima de Melo Ghisi
4-meter gait speed test as a tool to prescribe walking exercise intensity in individuals with COPD Gianna Waldrich Bisc, Andrea Akemi Morita, Felipe Vilaça Cavallari Machado, Antenor Rodrigues, Thais Sant’Anna, Nidia Aparecida Hernandes, Fabio Pitta

State of the Art Review
Heart rate and longevity Mario Augusto Paschoal

Cardiorespir Physiother Crit Care Rehabil

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